

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC =  British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


I / iIsland or isle / International / Independence or independent / Institute / Italy (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / (as a Roman number) 1 / Iodine (Chemistry) / Electric Current (symbol) / the imagery square root of -1 (mathematics)
IA / IaInstitute of Actuaries / International Angstrom / Indian Airlines (now Air India-AI) / Iowa (US state)
IAAIndole Acetic Acid
IAAFInternational Association of Athletics Federations
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
IALInternational Algebraic Language
IAFIndian Air Force
IAPInternet Access Provider (Computing)
IAS / i.a.sImmigration Advisory Service / Indian Administrative Service / Immediate access store (Computing) / Instrument approach system
IATA(abbreviation & acronym) International Air Transport Association
ib. / ibid.Ibidem (Latin) = in the same place or source
IBInternational Baccalaureate
IBAIndependent Broadcasting Authority (UK)
IBANInternational Bank Account Number
IBFInternational Boxing Federation

I.Biol.Institute of Biology (UK)
IBMInternational Business Machines (leading US computer manufacturer)
IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank)
IBSIrritable bowel syndrome
i/cIn charge / in command
ICIntegrated Circuit (Electronics) / internal-combustion
ICAInstitute of Chartered Accountants /
ICAEWInstitute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales
ICAIInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland
ICANNInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
ICBMInternational Ballistic Missile
ICCInternational Cricket Council / International Chamber of Commerce / International Criminal Court
ICDInternational Classification of Diseases / Interactive compact disc (Computing)

ICEInstitute of Civil Engineers / Internal combustion Engine / Intrusion countermeasure electronics (anti-hack software)
ICFTUInternational Confederation of Free Trade Unions
I.Chem.E. / IChemEInstitution of Chemical Engineers
ICIImperial Chemical Industries (Limited)
ICRIntelligent character recognition
ICRCInternational Committee of the Red Cross
ICRFImperial Cancer Research Fund (now called Cancer Research (UK))
ICSAInstitute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
ICSHInterstitial-cell-stimulating hormone
ICSIIntracytoplasmic sperm injection (in vitro fertilization)
ICSIDInternational Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
ICSTIS(acronym) independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards for Telephone Information Services
ICSUInternational Council of Scientific Unions (now known as International Council for Science) 
ICTInformation and communication technology
ICUIntensive Care Unit
id.Idem (Latin) = the same

ID  Identification / Identity / Intelligence Department / Information Department / Idaho (US state) / Inner Diameter (also i.d.) / Intradermal (also i.d.) (Medicine) / infectious diseases (Medicine)
Ida.Idaho (US state)
IDAInternational Development Association
IDBIllicit diamond buying (esp. South Africa)
IDDInternational Direct Dialing (Telecommunications)
IDEIntegrated Development Environment (software-user interface) / Integrated Drive Electronics (device control system in computer) est (Latin) = that is / that is to say  
IDFIsrael Defence Forces
IDKI don’t know (informal)
IDNIn Dei nomine (Latin) = in the name of God
IDPIntegrated Data Processing (Computing) / Internally displaced person (a person forced to move from his place)

IEAInternational Energy Agency
IECInternational Electrochemical Commission
IEDImprovised explosive device
IEEInstitution of Electrical Engineers (UK)
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEGMPIndependent Expert Group on Mobile Phones
IFIntermediate Frequency
IFAIndependent Financial Advisor
IFAD / Ifad(Abbreviation & acronym) international Fund for Agricultural Development
IFCInternational Finance Corporation
IFPInkatha Freedom Party (in South Africa)
IFPIInternational Federation of the Phonographic Industry

IFRInstrument flight rules / Instrument flying regulations (or rules) (aeronautics)
IFSInstitute for Fiscal Studies / Irish Free State (historical)
IGIndo-Germanic / Inspector General (in some countries like India)
IgImmunoglobulin (Biochemistry)
IGCIntergovernmental conference (esp. in the European Union)
IGCSEInternational General Certificate of Secondary Education
ign.Ignotus (Latin) = unknown
IGNOU(both abbreviation & acronym) — Indira Gandhi National Open University (in India)
IHC / IHSIesous (Greek) = Jesus (used symbolic and in manuscripts)
IHTInheritance Tax (UK)
IIPOffice of the International Information Programs (in the USA) [(USIA = United States Information Agency (formerly)]  
IISInstitute of Information Scientists (now replaced by CILIP)

IITIndian Institute of Technology
IKBSIntelligent knowledge-based system (Computing)
ILIllinois (US state) / Israel (IVR=International Vehicle Registration)
ILEAInner London Education Authority
ILOInternational Labour Organization (UNO body)
ILSInstrument Landing System
IMInstitute of Management (now known as CMI) / Intramuscular(ly) (also i.m.) / Instant Messaging
IMAInvestment Management Association
IMAPInternet Mail Access Protocol (Computing) / Internet Message Access Protocol
I.Mar.E / IMarEInstitute of Marine Engineers
IMarESTInstitute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarE)
IMAX®Image (Eye=i) Maximum (A system of widescreen presentation) (Trademark)  
IMechEInstitution of Mechanical Engineers

IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity (Mobile identification number)
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
IMHO/imhoIn my humble opinion
I.Min.E / IMinEInstitution of Mining Engineers
IMMInstitution of Mining and Metallurgy
IMO / imoInternational Maritime Organization / in my opinion (imo) / International Miners’ Organization
Imp.Imperator (Latin) = Emperor / Imperatrix (Latin) = Empress / Imperial
IMPInternational Match Point (Bridge)
I.Mun.E / IMunEInstitution of Municipal Engineers (UK)
INIndiana (US state)
InNdium (Chemistry-symbol)

INAIndian National Army
Inc. / inc.Incorporated ( accompany consulted as a legal corporation) / Including / inclusive
incl. / inc.Including / inclusive
INDIndia (IVR = international Vehicle Registration) In Nomine Dei (Latin) = in the name of God
Ind.Indiana (US state) / India / Indian / Independent
INFIntermediate-range nuclear forces
inf.Information / infantry / infra (Latin) = below / Infinitive / inferior / informal
INLA(acronym) Irish National Liberation Army
in loc.In loco (Latin) = in its place
in loc. cit.In coco citato (Latin) = in the place cited
INMARSAT / InmarsatInternational Maritime Satellite
INRI(acronym) Iesus Nazarenus Rex (Latin) = Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
INSImmigration and Naturalization Service (US) / International News Service / Inertial navigation system

ins.Inches (also in) Insurance
INSET(acronym) In-service education and training (for schoolteachers)
insp.Inspector (as a police rank)
inst.Instant, ie the present month (used in formal correspondence)
Inst.Institute / Institution
Inst.P.Institute of Physics (UK)
INSTRAWInternational Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (United Nations Agency)
int.International / interest / internal / interior
intInteger (Computing)
INTERPOL(acronym) — International Criminal Police Commission
inv.Invenit (Latin) = designed it / Invoice / invented
I/OInput/output (Electronics & Computing)
IOCInternational Olympic Committee

IoJInstitute of Journalists (Now known as CIoJ = Chartered institute of Journalists)
IOLTInstitute of Logistics and Transport
IOMIsle of Man
IOPInstitute of Physics
IOUI Owe You (signed debt acknowledgement)
IOWIsle of Wight / in other words (informal)
IPInternet Protocol (Computing)
IPAIndia Pale Ale / Institute of Practitioners in Advertising / International Phonetic Alphabet / International Phonetic Association / International Publishers’ Association
IPCInternational Publishing Corporation
IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPDInstitute of Personnel and Development (now Known as CIPD = Chartered Institute of Personnel and development)
iPhone®(Acronym) a brand of smart phone

IPMSInstitution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists (now known as Prospect (acronym))
IPOInitial Public Offering (Stock Exchange) (chiefly in US)
iPod® A brand of digital audio/video player (Trademark)  
IPPFInternational Planned Parenthood Federation
IPRIntellectual Property Rights
iqIdem quod (Latin) the same as
IPSIndian Police Service
IQIntelligence Quotient
IRInland Revenue / Iran (IVR=International Vehicle Registration)
IrIridium (symbol) Chemistry
Ir.Ireland / Irish

IRAIrish Republic Army / Individual Retirement Account (US)
IRBInternational Rugby Board
IRBMIntermediate-Range Ballistic Missile
IRCInternet Relay Chat (Computing)
IRLIreland (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
IROInland Revenue Office / International Refugee Organization
IRQIraq (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
irreg.Irregular / Irregularly
IRSInternal Revenue Service (US)
ISIceland (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Income support / information science (or systems) / Internal security / independent suspension (Mechanics)
Is.(the Book of) Isaiah (Bible) / Island(s) or Isle(s)
ISAIndividual Savings Account (UK) (Finance) / Industry Standard Architecture (a bus system of earlier computers)

Isa.(the Book of) Isaiah
ISBAIncorporated Society of British Advertisers
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number (SBN (formerly) = Standard Book Number)
ISC / ISCISIndependent Schools Council / Independent Schools Council Information Service)
ISDInternational Subscriber Dialing
ISDNIntegrated services digital network (Telecommunications)
ISIIndian Standards Institution / Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan)
ISIS(abbreviation & acronym) Independent Schools Information Service (now known as ISCIS
ISMInstitute for Supply Management (US) (formerly NAPM)
ISO(Companion of the) Imperial Service Order / International Organization for Standardization
ISPInternet Service Provider

ISSInternational Space Station / International Social Service
ISSNInternational Standard Serial Number
ISSPIntensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (for young offenders)
ISRO(acronym) —Indian Space Research Organization
ISTIndian Standard Time
ISTCIron and Steel Traders Confederation (formerly)
ISVIndependent software vendor
ITInformation Technology
It.Italian / Italian vermouth
ITAIndependent Television Authority / Initial teaching alphabet
ital.Italic / Italian / Italy
ITIIndustrial Training Institute (India)

ITOIncome Tax Officer / International Trade Organization
ITUIntensive therapy unit (Medicine) / International Telecommunication Union
ITVIndependent Television (UK)
iTVInteractive television
IUInternational Unit / Intrauterine (also i.u.)
IUCDIntrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)
IUCNInternational Union for the Conservation of Nature
IUDIntrauterine (contraceptive) device / Intrauterine death (of a fetus)
IUPAC(Acronym) international Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPAP(Acronym) international Union of Pure and Applied Physics
IVIntravenous / intravenously / intravenous drip
IVAIndividual voluntary agreement

IVDIntra vas device (a contraceptive)
IVFIn vitro fertilization
IVRInternational Vehicle Registration
IWIsle of Wight
IWCInternational Whaling Commission
IWWIndustrial Workers of the World



























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