

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC =   British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


S / S.Saint / Sabbath / Society / South / Southern / Schilling or Solidus / Special / Square / Stokes / Sun / Soprano (music) / Spades (cards) / Strangeness (Physics) / Sulphur (Chemistry) / Siemens (SI unit) / Siemens or small (Electricity) / smooth (Bacteriology) / Spain (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Strain (Virus, etc.) Sacral (in Vertebral formulae) (Anatomy & Zoology) / Second(s) / S level = a Certificate of Education examination / Senate (Canadian)/ Svedberg unit (Biochemistry) / harp (Physics & Chemistry) / Singular / Son / Strange quark (Physics) / Succeeded / 7 or 70 (as medieval Roman numeral)
s / s.Second(s) / Section / Shilling / Singular / Son(s) / Succeeded
S 70000 (medieval Roman numeral)
S4CSianel Pedwar Cymru (the Welsh language television channel)
SASalvation Army / Sex appeal / South Australia / South Australian / South America / South Africa / Society of Arts/ Small arms (military)/ Societe anonyme (French) = Limited Liability Comapany / Society of Antiquaries (SAL of London or SAS of Scotland) / Sturmabteilung (German) = Storm Section (a Nazi terrorist militia) / Sino-auricular or sino-atrial (Medicine)
saSecundum artem (Latin) = according to art / Sine anno (Latin) = without date / without year
SAASmall arm(s) ammunition
SAARC(acronym) — South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
SABCSouth African Broadcasting Corporation
SACScottish Arts Council / Special Area of Conservation / Strategic Air Command (US) / Senior Aircraftman (UK)
SACNScientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
SACWSenior Aircraftwoman
SADSeasonal affective disorder (Medicine)
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers (US)

sae / s.a.e.Stampede addressed envelope / Self-addressed envelope
SAEF(abbreviation & acronym) Stock Automatic Execution Facility (see also SEAQ)
SAIL(acronym) Steel Authority of India Limited
Sb Stibium (Latin) = Antimony
SBASmall Business Administration
S-Bahn(Stadt) Schnellbahn (urban) (German) = fast railway (fast urban railway system in Germany)
SBFSingle black female (used in personal advertisements)
SBMSingle black male (personal advertisements) / Single buoy mooring
SBNStandard book number (now ISBN = International Standard Book Number)
SBRStyrene-butadiene rubber
SBIState Bank of India
SBSSick building syndrome (also TBS = Tight building syndrome) / Special Boat Service
SCSupreme Court / Scheduled Caste
SDStandard Deviation (statistics) / South Dakota (in official postal use) / Sequence Data
SDFSocial Democratic Federation
SDIStrategic Defense Initiative
SDLPSocial Democratic and Labour Party (UK)
SDOSub-divisional Officer (military)
SDPSocial Democratic Party (UK – history)
SDRSpecial Drawing Right (from IMF – the International Monetary Fund)
SEsouth-east / south-eastern; chemical symbol for Selenium
SEA(both abbreviation & acronym) – Single European Act
SEALSea Air Land (team) (an elite force in the US Navy)
SEATO(acronym) South East Asia Treaty Organization (now defunct)
SECSecurities and Exchange Commission
SECAM(acronym) Sequentiel couleru a memoire (French) = a broadcasting system for colour television

SFScience Fiction / Signal frequency / Sinn Fein / San Francisco / Swedish Finland (from Finnish Suomi) = Finland (IVR)
sfSforzando (music)
SFAScottish Football Association / Sweet Fanny Adams (slang) = nothing at all / Securities and Futures Authority (UK) (now replaced by FSA = Financial Services Authority)
SFASStatement of Financial Accounting Standards
SFOSerious Fraud Office (UK)
SFXSpecial Effects
sfzSforzando (music)
SGSenior grade (US) / Solicitor General (Law) / Specific gravity
SgSeaborgium (Chemistry)
SGHWRSteam-generating heavy water reactor
SGMLStandard Generalized Mark-up Language (coding for printed applications)
SGPSingapore (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)

SHA(abbreviation & acronym) Strategic Health Authority
SHAEFSupreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SISysteme International (French) the international system of units of measurement / Statutory instrument (Law) / South Island (of NZ) / (Order of) the Star of India
SiSilicon (chemical element)
SIBSpecial Investigations Branch / Securities and Investments Board (now known as FSA = Financial Services Authority)
SIDS/SidsSudden infant death syndrome = cot death
SIFI(acronym) Systematically Important Financial Institution (US)
SIGSpecial interest group (computing) (a type of news group)
sig / Sign.Signature
SIGINT/Sigint.Signal intelligence
SIM(acronym) — Subscriber Identification Module (Card)
SJSociety of Jesus (Jesuit)
SJAASt John Ambulance Association
SJABSt John Ambulance Brigade

SJCSupreme Judicial Court
SKSaskatchewan (in official postal use) (Canadian province) / Senior kindergarten / Slovakia (IVR)
SkSlovak koruna
SKUStock Keeping Unit
SLSerjeant-at-Law (formerly, a barrister of highest rank) / Solicitor at Law / Savings & loan (association) (also S & L) (US)
S & LSavings & loan (association) (US)
SLAService level agreement (Computing)
SLBMSubmarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCMSubmarine-launched cruise missile
SLDSocial and Liberal Democrats (now called Liberal Democrats)
SLESystemic lupus erythematosus (Medicine)
SLOSlovenia (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
SLPScottish Labour Party
SLRSingle-lens reflex
SLTSpeech and Language Therapist
SLVSatellite Launch Vehicle
SMSergeant Major / Short metre / Stage manager (theatrical) / Sadomasochism (also s-m or s/m)
SmSamarium (chemical element)
SMDSurface-mounted device
SMESmall and medium (sized) enterprise (also MSME = Micro, small and medium enterprise)
SMMSancta Mater Maria (Latin) = Holy Mother Mary
SMMTSociety of Motor Manufacturers and Traders

SMOSenior Medical Officer
SMPStatutory maternity pay
SMPTESociety of Television and Motion Picture Engineers (time coding system to synchronize video and audio tapes)
SMRStandardized mortality rate
SMSShort message-service (text message service)
SMSgtSenior Master Sergeant
SMTPSingle Mail Transfer (or Transport) Protocol (protocol to transfer emails between servers)
SNSenegal (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
SnStannum (Latin) = Tin
snSecundum naturam (Latin) = according to nature
SNCFSociete Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais (French) = French National Railways
SNGSimulated (substitute) natural gas
SNOSenior Nursing Officer
SNOBOL(acronym) String Oriented Symbolic Language (a high-level computer language for handling strings of symbols)
SNPScottish National Party
Snr / snrSenior
SNUSolar neutrino unit
SOSignal Officer / Special order / Staff Officer / Standing Order / Somalia (IVR= International Vehicle Registration)

s.o.Seller’s opinion / Shipping order
SOB/S.O.B./s.o.b.Son of a bitch
Soc.Socialist / society
socSociology (US) (informal)
SOCA(acronym) Serious and Organized Crime Agency
SOCANSociety of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada
SOESpecial Operations Executive
SOGATSociety of Graphical and Allied Trades
SOHO(abbreviation & acronym) Small Office Home Office (a large market for computer hardware and software)
Sol. / SolrSolicitor
SOLAS(acronym) Safety of life at seas

S. of S.Song of Songs or Song of Solomon (Bible)
SOSSave Our Souls (an appeal for help or rescue esp. at sea by Morse code) 
SOTStay-on tab
SPStarting price
spSine prole (Latin) = without issue
sp.Special / Spelling / Species (spp. – plural) (Biology)
SPASpecial Protection Area
SPAB(abbreviation & acronym) Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
SPAD(acronym) Signal passed at danger (a signal ordering train to stop)
SPCKSociety for Promoting Christian Knowledge
SPDSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German) = The German Social Democratic Party
SQStereophonic-quadraphonic (audio recording and reproduction system (US)
sq. / (Sq.)Sequens (Latin) = following (sqq. (plural) = sequentes or sequentia / (also Sq. – square or Square (in addresses)
SQAScottish Qualifications Authority
SQCScottish Qualifications Service
SQLStandard (or structured) query language (programming language)
Sqn. Ldr.Squadron leader
SQUID(acronym) Superconducting quantum interference device (device used to measure extremely small currents, voltages, and magnetic fields)
SRSouthern Railway

SrSenior / Senor / Signor / Sister (Ecclesiastical) / Strontium (chemical element)
S-RStimulus-response (Psychology)
SRAStrategic Rail Authority (UK)
SRAMStatic random access memory
SRCStudent Representative Council / Science Research Council
SRchState Registered Chiropodist
SRMNState Registered Mental Nurse
SRNState Registered Nurse
SROSelf-regulatory organization / Standing room only
SRPSuggested retail price
SRSSupplemental restraint system / Steradian(s)
SRUScottish Rugby Union
SSSaints / Steamship / Shortstop (Baseball) / Social security/  Schutzstaffel (Germany) = protection department (an elite Nazi corps)

ssScrew steamer / Steamship
SSAStandard spending assessment
SSAFASoldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (now known as SSAFA Forces Help)
SSAPStatement of Standard Accounting Practice
SSASSmall self-administered (pension) scheme
SSBSingle sideband transmission
SSCSocietas Sanctae Crucis (Latin) = Society of the Holy Cross / Solicitor before the Supreme Courts (of Scotland)
SSDSolid state drive (or disk) / Social Services Department / Sanctissimus Dominus (Latin) = Most Holy Lord (the Pope)
S/Sgt.Staff Sergeant
SSHRC(abbreviation & acronym) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (of Canada)
SSLSecure Sockets Layer (secure communication between computers in a network on the internet)
SSMSurface to surface missile
SSNStandard Serial Number / Severely subnormal / Social Security Number (US)
SSPScottish Socialist Party / Statutory sick pay
ssp.Subspecies (sspp. – plural) (Biology)
SSRSoviet Socialist Republic

SSRISelective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (drug used in treating depression) (Medicine)
SSSISite of Special Scientific Interest (UK)
SSTSupersonic transport
SSVCServices Sound and Vision Corporation
STSao Tome and Principe (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
stStone (the weight) / Stumped (cricket)
St / St.Saint / Strait / Street
Sta / Sta.  (Railway) Station
STDSubscriber Trunk Dialing
SUStrontium unit / Special unitary (Physics)
Sub-Lt.Sub Lieutenant
SVSancta Virgo (Latin) = Holy Virgin / Simian virus / Sanctitas Vestra (Latin) = Your Holiness
sv / s.v.Sub verbo (Latin) = under the word given / side valve / Sub voce (Latin) = under that heading given
SvSievert (SI unit)
SVDSwine vesicular disease
SVGASuper video graphics array (computing) (a high-resolution standard for monitors and screens)
S-VHSSuper video home system (improved version of VHS)

SVQScottish Vocational Qualification
SWShort wave / South-west / South-western / Small women or women’s (clothing size)
SWASouth-West Africa (Namibia)
SWAK(abbreviation & acronym) sealed with a kiss
SWALK(abbreviation & acronym) sealed with a loving kiss
SWANU(abbreviation & acronym) South West African National Union
SWAPO(abbreviation & acronym) South-West Africa People’s Organization
SWAT(acronym) Special Weapons and Tactics
SWFSingle white female
SWG / swgStandard wire gauge (UK) (measuring standard wire thicknesses)
SWMSingle white male (used in personal advertisements)
SWOT(acronym) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (considered in the analysis of a product)
SWOT analysis(acronym) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (study of internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats)
SWPSocialist Workers’ Party
SWRStanding wave ratio

SYSeychelles (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Steam yacht / School year
SYHAScottish Youth Hostels Association
syn.Synonymous (with)
syphSyphilis (informal)



























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