

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC =  British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


R / R.Rand (South African currency) / Rector / River / Rupee(s) / Rabbi / Rex = King (Latin) / Regina = Queen) (Latin) / Rook (in chess) / Ruble(s) / Run(s) (cricket) / Republican (US) / Rontgen unit / Rx = Recipere (Latin) or Recipe = to take (medical prescription)   Reaumur (medicine) / Reaumur’s thermometric scale (also Reau) / Radius / Railway / Restricted (US film classification) / Rex.=right / Reverse (gear shift) / Roentgen / Royal (organizations’ names) / Radical (chemical formula) / Gas constant (Physical Chemistry) / Rydberg constant (Physics) / Regiment / Response / Rain (logbook) / R = 80 /and/ R = 80000 (medieval Roman symbols) / recto / right / (Electrical) Resistance / ®=Registered (trade mark) / Rangers or Rovers (in names of sports club) / Romania (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) /
r / r.Right / Recto / Run(s) / Radius / Recipe (Latin) = take / Rule (Law)
R18A film restricted to viewers that below 18 years may not be allowed. 
RARear Admiral / Rheumatoid arthritis / Royal Artillery / Royal Academician / Royal Academy of Arts / Republic of Argentina (IVR) / Right ascension (Astronomy)
RaRadium (Chemistry)
R&A/R and ARoyal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews
RAAFRoyal Australian Air Force
RACRoyal Armoured Corps (UK0 / Royal Automobile Club (UK)
RADReflex anal dilatation / Royal Academy of Dance
radRadian (singular & plural) / radiator
RADARoyal Academy of Dramatic Art (UK)
RADAR(acronym) Radio Association for Disability and Rehabilitation / Radio Detection and Ranging /
RADCRoyal Army Dental Corps
RAdmRear Admiral (Canadian)
RAERoyal Aircraft Establishment

RAECRoyal Army Educational Corps (now replaced by ETS = Educational and Training Services)
RAeSRoyal Aeronautical Society
RAFAbbreviation & acronym) Royal Air Force
RAIDRedundant Array of Inexpensive (or Independent) Disks
RAMRandom access memory
r.a.m.Relative atomic mass
RAMCRoyal Army Medical Corps
RANRoyal Australian Navy
R&A/R and ARoyal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews
R & D(also R and D) Research and Development
RAOCRoyal Army Ordnance Corps
RAPCRoyal Army Pay Corps
R and RRest and relaxation (or recreation) (US) (informal)
RASRoyal Astronomical Society
RAuxAFRoyal Auxiliary Air Force
RAVCRoyal Army Veterinary Corps
RAXRural Automatic Exchange
R&B / R’n’BRhythm and blues (a kind of pop music) /
(Department of) Roads & Buildings

RBRifle Brigade (formerly) / Republic of Botswana (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
RbRubidium (chemical element)
RBIReserve Bank of India / Run batted in
RBCRed blood cell (count) (Medicine)
RBERelative biological effectiveness (of radiation)
R-bootRaumboot minesweeper (German) = a German minesweeper in the Second World War
RBIReserve Bank of India / Run batted in
RBMK reactorReaktor bolshoy moshchnosti kanalnyy (Russian) = high power channel reactor
RCRed Cross / Roman Catholic (church) / Reinforced concrete / Taiwan (official name Republic of China (IVR) / Resistance/Capacitance or Resistor/capacitor (Electronics)
RCARadio Corporation of America (US) / Royal Canadian Academy / Royal College of Art / Republique Centrafricaine (IVR) = Central African Republic
RCAFRoyal Canadian Air Force
RCBRepublic of Congo (IVR)
RCCRoman Catholic Church
RCDResidual current device (Electricity)
RCGPRoyal College of General Practitioners
RCHRepublic of Chile (IVR)
RCMRegimental Court-martial (abolished in 1955) / Royal College of Music (UK)

RCMPRoyal Canadian Mounted Police
RCNRoyal College of Nursing / Royal Canadian Navy (formerly) (now replaced by CFMC = Canadian Forces Maritime Command)
RCORoyal College of Organists
RCOGRoyal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
RCPRoyal College of Physicians
RCPSRoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons
RCRRoyal College of Radiologists
RCSRoyal College of Science / Royal College of Surgeons / Royal Corps of Signals
RCSLTRoyal College of Speech and Language Therapists
RCTRoyal Corps of Transport (now replaced by RLC = Royal Logistics Corps)
RCURemote control unit
RCVSRoyal College of Veterinary Surgeons
RDReserve Decoration (Naval) / Rural Dean / Refer to drawer (written on returned bank cheque)
RdRoad (in addresses)

R&DResearch and development
RDARecommended daily (or dietary) allowance
RDCRural Development Council
RDFRadio direction-finding (or –finder) / Refused-derived fuel
RDIRecommended daily intake (for a vitamin, mineral, etc.)
rDNARecombinant DNA (DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid)
RDSRadio data system (broadcasting digital signal system)
RDXResearch Department Explosive (also called cyclonite) (a type of high explosive)
REReformed Episcopal / Religious education (in schools) / Royal Engineers / Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly known as the RSEE = Royal Society of Etchers and Engravers)
Re Rhenium  (chemical element) / Rupee (also re) /
RFRadio frequency / Republique francaise (French)=French Republic / Representative fraction (of a map)
RfRutherfordium (chemical element)
rfRinforzando (music)
RFARoyal Fleet Auxiliary
RFCRoyal Flying Corps (until 1918) / Rugby Football Club / Request For Comment (Computing)
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification (a method of storing and retrieving information by radio signals)
RFSRegister of Friendly Societies (now replaced by FSA)
RFURugby Football Union
RGRepublic of Guinea (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
RgRoentgenium (chemical element)

RGBRepublic of Guinea-Bissau (IVR-International Vehicle Registration) / Red-Green-Blue
RGNRegistered General Nurse
RGSRoyal Geographical Society (now often RGS-IBG (an amalgamation with the Institute of British Geographers)
RGVRemote Guidance Vehicle
RHRepublic of Haiti (IVR-International Vehicle Registration) / Royal Highness
rhRight hand or right-hand
RhRhodium (chemical element) / Rhesus / Rhesus factor
RHARoyal Hibernian Academy / Royal Horse Artillery / Regional Health Authority (replaced by DHSC = Directorate of Health and Social Care)
RHDRight-hand Drive
RHGRoyal Horse Guards
RHRRoyal Highland Regiment (in Canada)
RHSRoyal Historical Society / Royal Horticulture Society / Royal Humane Society
RIRegina et Imperatrix (Latin) = Queen and Empress / Rex et Imperator (Latin) = King and Emperor / Religious Instruction / Rhode Island (US state) / (member of the) Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours / Republic of Indonesia (IVR-International Vehicle Registration) / Royal Institute or Institution (Great Britain)
RIARoyal Irish Academy / Radioimmunoassay
RIAMRoyal Irish Academy of Music

RIASRoyal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
RIBARoyal Institute of British Architects
RICRoyal Irish Constabulary (historical)
RICO(abbreviation & acronym) Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
RICSRoyal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
RIERecognized Investment Exchanges
RIGSRegionally Important Geological Site
RIIARoyal Institute of International Affairs
RIM(Republique Islamique de Mauritania) Maritaunia (IVR)
RIPRequiescat in pace (Latin) = Rest in peace
RIPA(abbreviation & acronym) Royal Institute of Public Administration (now defunct)
RIPHRoyal Institute of Public Health
RIRRoyal Irish Regiment (UDR = Ulster Defence Regiment)
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer (faster processing central computer)

rit.Retardando / Ritenuto (music)
RJERemote Job Entry (Computing)
RJETRemote Job Entry Terminal (Computing)
RKReligious Knowledge
RKORadio-Keith-Orpheum merging of RCA with Keith and Orpheum cinema chains (RCA = Radio Corporation of America)
RLRugby League / Real Life (computer & online games, internet, etc.) / Republic of Lebanon (Lebanon’s IVR) / Reference Library
RMRural Municipality or Regional Municipality (Canadian)
RMBRoadside Mail Box
r.m.s.Root mean square (Mathematics)
RMSRoyal Meteorological Society
RMTNational Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
RNRegistered Nurse (US) / Royal Navy (UK) / Republic of Niger (also IVR=International Vehicle Registration)
RnRadon (chemical element)
RNARibonucleic acid (Biochemistry) / Registered Nursing Assistant
RNASRoyal Naval Air Service (until 1918) / Royal Naval Air Station
RNCMRoyal Northern College of Music
RNIBRoyal National Institute of the Blind
RNIDRoyal National Institute for Deaf People

R & B/R’n’BRhythm and Blues (a kind of pop music) / Roads and Buildings (Department, Ministry, etc.)
RNLIRoyal National Lifeboat Institution (UK)
R’n’R/R&R Rock and Roll
RNRRoyal Naval Reserve
RNTRoyal  National Theatre
RNVRRoyal Naval Volunteer Reserve
RNWMPRoyal North West Mounted Police (formerly) (Canadian) (now NWMP = North West Mounted Police)
RNZAFRoyal New Zealand Air Force
RNZNRoyal New Zealand Navy
RORomania (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
roRecto (printing) / Run out (cricket)
ROARRight of admission reserved
ROCRoyal Observer Corps (historical) (UK)
ROCEReturn on capital employed (Finance)
ROHRoyal Opera House

ROIRepublic of India / Republic of Ireland / Return on investment (Finance)  
ROKRepublic of Korea (South Korea) (IVR)
ROM(abbreviation & acronym) Read-only memory (storage device) (computing)
rom.Roman (type)
Rom.(the letter to the) Romans (Bible)
ro-roRoll-on roll-off
RoSPA(abbreviation & acronym) Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
ROTC(abbreviation & acronym) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (US)
ROURepublic of Uruguay (also IVR)
ROVRemotely operated vehicle
RPReceived Pronunciation / Reformed Presbyterian / Regius Professor / Republic of the Philippines (IVR) Royal Society of Portrait Printers/ Retinitis pigmentosa
RPB Recognized professional body
RPCRail Passengers Council
RPGRocket-propelled grenade / Role-playing game / Report program generator (high-level commercial computer language program used in business)
RPIRetail price index (UK)

rpmRevolutions per minute
RPMRetail or resale price maintenance
RPNReverse Polish notation
RPORoyal Philharmonic Orchestra
RPRRassemblement pour la Republique (French) a neo-Gaullist right-wing political party in France
RPSRoyal Photographic Society
rpsRevolutions per second
RPSGBRoyal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
rptRepeat / Report
RPTRegistered physiotherapist / Registered professional turner
RPVRemotely piloted vehicle (military) (a miniature aircraft)
R & RRescue and resuscitation (Medicine) / Rock and roll (R’n’R) / Rest and recreation (colloquial) (Military)
RRRailroad (US) / Rural route (US) / Right Reserved
RRIFRegistered Retirement Income Fund (a tax-sheltered saving plan) (Canadian)
rRNARibosomal RNA (Biochemistry)
RRPRecommended retail price (Britain)
RRSPRegistered Retirement Savings Plan (Canadian)
RSRoyal Society / (a body of eminent scientists in UK)

RSARepublic of South Africa / Returned Services Association (NZ) / Royal Scottish Academy or Academician / Royal Society of Arts (officially the Royal Society for encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce)
RSCRoyal Shakespeare Company / Royal Society of Chemistry
R.S.C.Revised Statues of Canada (Canadian)
RSERoyal Society of Edinburgh (a body of eminent scientists of Scotland)
RSFSRRussian Federated Soviet Socialist Republic 
RSIRelative Strength Index (share market activity measure) / Repetitive strain or stress injury
RSJRolled steel joist
RSLReturned Services League (Australia) / Royal Society of Literature
RSMRegimental Sergeant Major / Royal Society of Medicine / Royal School of Magic / Republic of San Marino (IVR)
RSNCRoyal Society for Nature Conservation (UK)
RSNORoyal Scottish National Orchestra
RSNZRoyal Society of New Zealand

RSPBRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds
RSPCARoyal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
RSSRich Site Summary (Computing) / Really Simple Syndication / Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (India -Hindi) (Hindu nationalist volunteer organization)
RSSARoyal Scottish Society of Arts
RSSPCCRoyal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (now known as Children 1st)
RSTM&HRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
RSVRevised Standard Version (of the Bible translated into English)
RSVPrepondez sil vous plait (please reply)
RT or R/TRadio telegraph(y) or telephone(-ny)
RTARoad traffic accident / Registrar and Transfer Agents / Renal Tubular Acidosis (medicine)
RTERadio Telefis Eireann (Irish Gaelic) = Irish Radio Television
RTFRich Text Format (standard format for text files) (Computing)

Rt Hon.Right Honourable
RTPIRoyal Town Planning Institute
Rt Rev.Right Reverend
RTWRound the world
RURugby Union / Republic of Burundi (IVR)
RuRuthenium (chemical element)
RU486Trademark for mifepristone
RUCRoyal Ulster Constabulary (now replaced by PSNI = Police Service of Northern Ireland)
RUCCRail Users’ Consultative Committee (now known as RPC = Rail Passengers Council)
RVRecreational vehicle / Revised Version (of the Bible)
rv / RVRendezvous (point) (appointed meeting point/place)  
RWRight Worshipful / Right Worthy
RWARwanda (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
RxRecipe = a doctor’s prescription / (in prescription) take
Rwy / RyRailway

RYARoyal Yachting Association
RYSRoyal Yacht Squadron



























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