Abbreviations & Acronyms

The Complete List

Abbreviations & Acronyms


An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC =         British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA =National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.



























Some common abbreviations & acronyms:

A – Academician / adenine (biology in DNA sequences) / angstrom (Physics) / for adults (a film certificate)

a – accepted (on bills of exchange)

AA – Automobile Association / Anti-aircraft / Alcoholics Anonymous

AAA – Amateur Athletic Association / American (Australian) Automobile Association / Anti-aircraft artillery (US)

AAAS – American Association for the Advancement of Science

AARP – American Association of Retired Persons

AAU – Amateur Athletic Union

AB – Able (seaman) / Artium Baccalaureus Bachelor of Arts (Latin) equivalent to BA  

ABA – Amateur Boxing Association / American Bar Association (US) / American Booksellers’ Association (US)

ABC – American Broadcasting Corporation / Australian Broadcasting Corporation (formerly Commission).

ABH – Actual bodily harm

ABH – Anti-ballistic missile

ABS – Anti-lock braking system (for motor vehicles) / Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, a hard composite plastic

ABTA – Association of British Travel Agents

ABV – Alcohol by volume

A/C – Account current / Air-conditioned (Air-conditioning)

AC – Air-conditioned/Air-conditioning / Aircraftman / Alternating current (Electricity) /  Athletic club / ante Christum ‘before Christ’ (Latin)

ACAS – Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service

A/D – Analog to digital (Electronics)

AD — Anno Domini (in the year of Our Lord – Latin)

ADA – Adenosine deaminase

ADC – Aide-de-camp / Analogue–digital converter

ADD – Attention deficit disorder (Medical)

ADF – Automatic direction-finder, a device used by pilots to aid navigation

ADH – Antidiuretic hormone (Medical)

ADHD – Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Adj. / adj. – adjective (Grammar) / adjutant (Military)

ADP – Adenosine diphosphate (Biochemistry) / Automatic data processing

ADR – Alternative dispute resolution (Law) / American depository receipt (US Stock Exchange)

ADSL – Asymmetric (or asynchronous) digital subscriber line (or loop) (Computing & Telecommunications)

A & E – Accident and Emergency

AEEU – Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union

AEF – American Expeditionary Forces (esp. in Europe) during the First World War

AER – Annual Equivalence Rate (of a compound interest rate paid annually)

AEU – Amalgamated Engineering Union

AFB – Air Force Base

AFC – Air Force Cross / Association Football Club

AFDC – Aid to Families with Dependent Children (US), (a welfare benefit paid by the federal government)

AF – Audio Frequency

AFB – Air Force Base

AFL – Australian Football League

AIDS (acronym) — Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AIIMS (both abbreviation & acronym) — All India Institute of Medical Sciences

AIR (both abbreviation & acronym) — All India Radio

a.m. — ante meridiem (before noon)

AMU — Aligarh Muslim University

AP — Associated Press

ATM — Automated Teller Machine

B&W — Black and White

BA — Bachelor of Arts

BBC —       British Broadcasting Corporation

BC — Before Christ

BEd. — Bachelor of Education

BP — Blood Pressure

BSc. — Bachelor of Science

BSF — Border Security Force

BSNL —     Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

CA — Chartered Accountant

CBI — Central Bureau of Investigation

CBSE — Central Board of Secondary Education

CBT — Children’s Book Trust

CFL — Compact Fluorescent Lamp

I A — Central Intelligence Agency (USA)

C I D —      Criminal Investigation Department

CNN — Cable News Network

CTBT — Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

DIG — Deputy Inspector General

DNA — Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DOS (both abbreviation & acronym) — Disk Operating System

DTP — Desk-top Publishing

DVD — Digital Versatile Disc

E & O E — Errors and Omissions Exempted

ECG — Electrocardiogram

e.g. — exempli gratia (for example)

EMI — Equated Monthly Installments etc.

etc. – et cetera = and other things, and so on (Note: now rarely used)  

FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigation

FIFA (acronym) — Federation International de Football Association (Federation of the International Football Association)

FIR — First Information Report

FM — Frequency Modulation

GMT — Greenwich Mean Time

Govt. — Government

GPO — General Post Office

HIV — Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HQ — Headquarters

IA — Indian Airlines

IAF — Indian Air Force

IAS — Indian Administrative Service

IBM — International Business Machines

ICU — Intensive Care Unit

i.e. — id est (that is)

IGNOU (both abbreviation & acronym) — Indira Gandhi National Open University

IIT — Indian Institute of Technology

INA — Indian National Army

INTERPOL (acronym) — International Criminal Police Commission

IPS — Indian Police Service

IQ — Intelligence Quotient

ISBN — International Standard Book Number

ISD — International Subscriber Dialling

ISI — Indian Standards Institution / Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan)

IST — Indian Standard Time

ISRO (acronym) —Indian Space Research Organization

ITI — Industrial Training Institute

ITO — Income Tax Officer / International Trade Organization

lbw — leg before wicket

LCD — Liquid-crystal Display

LIC — Life Insurance Corporation

LLB — Bachelor of Laws

LPG — Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Ltd. — Limited

LTTE — Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

MA — Master of Arts

MBA — Master of Business Administration

MBBS — Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MLA — Member of Legislative Assembly

MNC — Multinational Corporation

MO — Money Order

MP — Member of Parliament

Mr. — Mister (a form of address for a man (regardless of his marital status)

Mrs. — Missus/Missis (a married woman)

Ms. – A form of address for a woman regardless of her marital status

MSc. — Master of Science

MTNL — Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited

NASA (acronym) — National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

NATO ((acronym) — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NB — nota bene (note well)

NBT — National Book Trust

NCC — National Cadet Corps

NCERT — National Council of Educational Research and Training

NDA — National Defence Academy

NFDC — National Film Development Corporation

NIIT (both abbreviation & acronym) — National Institute of Information Technology

NRI — Non-resident Indian

OK — Okay (all correct) (used to express agreement or acceptance)

OPD — Outdoor Patients Department

PC — Personal Computer

Ph.D — Doctor of Philosophy

PIB — Press Information Bureau

PIN ((both abbreviation & acronym)) — Postal Index Number / Personal Identification Number

p.m. — post meridiem (after noon)

PM — Prime Minister

PNB — Punjab National Bank

PO — Post Office

PTI — Press Trust of India

PTO — Please Turn Over

Pvt. — Private

R&D — Research and Development

RBI — Reserve Bank of India

RSVP — repondez sil vous plait (please reply)

SAARC (acronym) — South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation

SAIL (acronym) — Steel Authority of India Limited

SBI — State Bank of India

SC — Supreme Court/Schedule Caste

SD – Standard Deviation (statistics) / South Dakota (in official postal use) / Sequence Data

SDF – Social Democratic Federation

SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative

SDLP – Social Democratic and Labour Party (UK)

SDO – Sub-divisional Officer (military)

SDP – Social Democratic Party (UK – history)

SDR – Special Drawing Right (from IMF – the International Monetary Fund)

SE – south-east / south-eastern; chemical symbol for Selenium

SEA (both abbreviation & acronym) – Single European Act

Sign. — Signature

SIM             (acronym) — Subscriber Identification Module (Card)

SKU – Stock Keeping Unit

SLV — Satellite Launch Vehicle

SMS — Short Message Service

SOS — Save Our Souls

STD — Subscriber Trunk Dialling

TTE — Train Ticket Examiner

UFO — Unidentified Flying Object

UNESCO (acronym) — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNI — United News of India

UNICEF (acronym) — United Nations Children’s Fund

UNO — United Nations Organization

UPSC — Union Public Service Commission

via — by way of

VIP — Very Important Person

viz. — videlicet (namely)

VPP — Value Payable Post

vs. — versus (against)

WHO (both abbreviation & acronym) — World Health Organization

WWF — Worldwide Fund for Nature

www — worldwide web

Xmas — Christmas

YMCA — Young Men’s Christian Association

YWCA — Young Women’s Christian Association

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