

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


J / jJoules (physics) / Jack (cards) / Journal of (in Titles) / Joint (of marijuana) (informal) / Jack / Judge (plural – JJ) / Justice (plural – JJ) / Japan (IVR) / Japanese
JAJamaica (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Judge Advocate / Justice of Appeal
JAGJudge Advocate General
JALJapan Airlines
JANET(acronym) Joint Academic Network (UK)
JBJerusalem Bible
JCJesus Christ / Julius Caesar
JCBJC Bamford (manufacturer of mobile excavators)
JCLJob control language (Computing)
JCRJunior Common (or Combination) Room
JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff
JETJoint European Torus (nuclear fusion conducting machine)
JFKJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy (J F Kennedy)
JHVHTetragrammaton = the Hebrew name of God articulated as YHWH or JHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah)

JITJust-in-time (of manufacturing systems) (Business)
JnThe Gospel of John (An Epistle of John) (in Biblical references)
JnrJunior (in names)
JPJustice of the Peace (UK)
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group (compressed imaged file format) (Computing)
Jr / jrJunior
JSAJob Seeker’s Allowance
JUDJuris Ultriusque Doctor (Latin) = Doctor of both laws (ie canon & Civil) / (the Book of) Judges (also Judg./Jud.) / Judith (Apocrypha)
Jun. / jun.Junior / June (also Junr or junr)
JyJansky (astronomy) / July


k / k.Kalium (Latin) = Potassium / kelvin / ketamine (drug) / King / King’s / Knight / knot(s) (Nautical) / Kochel (Mozart’s catalogue) / Cambodia (former name = Kampuchea) (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Karat or carat / Kilo or kilo– / Kaon (Physics) / Kilobytes (Computing) / Kilometer(s) / Kina (Currency of Papua New Guinea) / Kirkpatrick (catalogue of Domenico Scarlatti’s works) / Krona (Swedish & Icelandic currency) / Krone (Danish & Norwegian currency) / Kwacha (Malawian & Zambian currency)
KANU(acronym) Kenya African National Union
KBKing’s Bench / Kilobyte(s) (also Kb)
KBEKnight Commander of the (Order of the) British Empire
kbyteKilobyte (Computing)
KCKennel Club / King’s Counsel
KcCzech koruna (currency unit)
KCBKnight Commander of the (Order of the) Bath
KCIEKnight Commander (of the Order) of the Indian Empire
KCMGKnight Commander (of the Order) of St Michael and St George
KCVOKnight Commander of the (Royal) Victorian Order  
KDKnocked down (Commerce) / Kuwaiti dinar (Currency)

KEKinetic energy
KFAT(National Union of) Knitwear, Footwear and Apparel Trades (old usage)
KFORKosovo Force (peacekeeping force in Kosovo led by NATO)
kg / Kgs KGKilogram(s) / keg(s) / Kings / (KG) Knight of the Order of the Garter (UK)
KGBKomitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (Russian) = Committee of State Security (the former Soviet secret police)
kgyKilogray(s) (unit for measuring absorbed dose of radiation)
KKKKu Klux Klan (US) (an extremist right-wing secret society)
KLKuala Lumpur (the capital of Malaysia)
KLMKoninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Dutch) Royal Dutch Airlines
KM / kmKnight of Malta / km = kilometer(s)
km/hKilometers per hour
kn.Knot(s) (Nautical measure)
KO / k.o.Kick-off/ knockout / Knock out

KPKitchen police(man) (US military slang) (men help the cook) / Knight of (the Order of) the St Patrick
kpgKilometers per gallon
kphKilometers per hour
KrKrypton (Chemistry)
krKrona (Swedish or Icelandic currency) / Krone (Danish and Norwegian currency)
KSKansas (US state) / King’s Scholar (UK) / Kaposi’s sarcoma / Kyrgyzstan (IVR = international vehicle registration)
KSAKingdom of Saudi Arabia (IVR)
KStJKnight of (the Order of) St John
ktKarat (carat) / kiloton(s) or kilotonne(s) / knot (nautical)
KTKnight of the Thistle / Knight Templar
KuKurchatovium (Chemistry)

KWAC(acronym) Keyword and context
KWIC(acronym) Keyword in context
KWOC(acronym) Keyword out of context
KWTKuwait (IVR = international vehicle registration)
KY /Ky/Ky.Kentucky (US state)
KZKazakhstan (IVR = international vehicle registration)


I / l.Line / Left / Latitude / Length / Liter / Levorotatory (Chemistry) / League / Lira or Lire (plural) / Libra (Latin) pound weight (lb)   
L / L.Luxembourg (IVR = international vehicle registration) / Latin / Lambert / Learner (driver) / Lecturer / Left / Liberal / Licentiate / Liter / Lira or Lire / Loch / Lough / Lake / Libra (Latin) = pound sterling (written as £) / Inductance (Elec) / Luminance / Angular momentum (physics) / Molar latent heat (chemistry) / 50000 (Roman Numeral)
LALegislative Assembly / Literate in Arts / Los Angeles / Library Association (UK, now replaced by CILIP = Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals / Local Authority / Louisiana (US state)  
LaLanthanum (Chemistry)
La.Lane (in street names, etc.) / Louisiana (US state)
L-ALatin America
LabLabour (labor) / Labrador (dog) / lab = laboratory
LACLeading Aircraft(s)man
lacLactose / lac or lakh (India & Pakistan) = a hundred thousand
LACWLeading Aircraft(s)woman
LAFTALatin American Free Trade Association
LAIALatin American Integration Association

LAMBDA(acronym) London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
LANLocal Area Network (Computing)
Lancs.(acronym) Lancashire
LBLiberia (IVR = international vehicle registration)
lbLeg bye(s) / leg before wicket (lbw) (Cricket) / Libra (Latin) pound weight
LBCLondon Broadcasting Company
LBD / LBDsA little black dress(es) (informal)
LBDR / LBDrLance Bombardier (also L/Bdr)
LBJLyndon Baines Johnson (36th President of the US)
lbfPound force
LBOLeveraged buyout (Commerce)
lbw / l.b.w.leg before wicket (Cricket)

lcLeft center / Letter of Credit / lower case (Printing) / Loco Citato (Latin) = in the place (passage) previously cited
LCLibrary of Congress / Landing Craft (US)
LCCLondon County Council (later known as GLC = Greater London Council (abolished in 1986)
LCDLiquid Crystal Display (Electronics & Computing) / Lowest (least) common denominator (Mathematics)
LCDTLondon Contemporary Dance Theater
LCh / LChirLicentiatus Chirurgiae (Latin) = Licentiate in Surgery
LCJLord Chief Justice
LCM / lcmLeast or lowest common multiple
LCPLicentiate of the College of Preceptors
L/CplLance corporal
LCSTLicentiate of the College of Speech Therapists
LCTLanding craft, tank

LDLady Day / Lethal Dosage / Low Dutch
LD50Learning disability (disabled) at 50% (also LD50)
LDCLess developed country
LdgLeading (in Nave ranks and Seaman, etc.)
LDLLow-density lipoprotein (Biochemistry)
LDPLiberal Democratic Party
Ldp / LpLordship
LDSLatter-Day Saints / licentiate in Dental Surgery / Laus Deo semper (Latin) = praise be to God always
LELupus erythematosus (Medicine)
LEALocal Education Authority (UK)
LFLine feed (computing) / Low frequency (radio)
Lg. / lgeLarge

LGer / LGLow German
LGALocal Government Association
LGBTLesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender(ed)
LGBTQLesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer (or questioning)
LGULadies’ Golf Union
LGVLarge goods vehicle (UK)
lh / l.h.Left hand
LHLuteinizing hormone (Biochemistry)
LHALocal Health Authority
lhd /LHDLeft-hand drive
LHDLitterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Latin) = Doctor of Humanities, literally Doctor of the Humane Letters
LILight Infantry / Long Island (US)
LiLithium (chemical element)
lib.Librarian / Library / Liber (Latin) = book

LIBOR(acronym) London Interbank Offered Rate
LICLife Insurance Corporation (India)
LIELoss of independent existence
LIFFELondon International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LIFOLast in, first out (methods of stock valuation and data storage) (compare with FIFO = First in, First out)
LJLord Justice (UK) 
Lk.The gospel of Luke (Biblical reference)
LLLate Latin / Lord Lieutenant / Low Latin / legume of laws (Latin) = an academic degree
LLALady Literate in Arts

LLBLegume baccalaureus (Latin) = Bachelor of Laws
LLDLegum doctor (Latin) = Doctor of Laws
LLMLegum magister (Latin) = Master of Laws
LLWLow-level waste
lmLumen(s) (SI unit)
LMLong metre / Lord Mayor / Lunar module
LMALiabilities Management Authority
LMELondon Metal Exchange
LMSLondon Mathematical Society / London Missionary Society / Local Management of Schools / London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Formerly in use)
LMSSALicense in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries
LMTLocal Mean Time (the standard time in a local zone)
LMVDLicensed Motor Vehicle Dealer (NZ)
LMXLondon Market Excess of Loss (Insurance)

ln(natural) logarithm
LNBLow-noise blocker (Telecommunications)
LNE / LNERLondon and North-Eastern Railway (historical)
LNGLiquefied natural gas
LOBLeft on base (Baseball)
loc. cit.(acronym) loco citato (Latin) = in the passage just (already) cited
LOLLaughing out loud (in emails and social chats) (informal)
lon. / long.Longitude
loq.Loquitur (Latin) = see separate entry
LOSLoss of signal
LPLong-playing record
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LPGALadies Professional Golf Association
LPNLicensed Practical Nurse

LPOLondon Philharmonic Orchestra
LPSLord Privy Seal
LQTSLong QT syndrome
LrLawrencium (the chemical element)
LRAMLicentiate of the Royal Academy of Music
LRBLabour Relations Board
LRC(of trains) light, rapid, comfortable
LRCPLicentiate of the Royal College of Physicians / LRCP Edin. = of Edinburg / LRCP Lond. = of London / LRCP Irel. = of Ireland
LRCSLicentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons / LRCS Ed. = of Edinburg / LRCS Eng. = of England / LRCS Irel. = of Ireland  
LRIFLocked-in retirement income fund (Canadian)
LRPLead replacement petrol
LRTLight rail (or rapid) transit
LSLesotho (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Linnaean Society of London / Leading Seaman (Canadian) / (also ls) loco sigilli (Latin) = in the place of the seal
LSALicentiate of the Society of Apothecaries (old)
LSAT(acronym) Law School Admission Test
LSBLeast significant bit (Computing)

LSCLearning and Skills Council / Legal Services Commission
LSD. / lsd / £sdLibrae, solidi, denarii (Latin) = pounds, shillings and pence
LSDLysergic acid diethylamide ( synthetic crystalline compound)
LSELondon School of Economics (and Political Science)
LSILarge-scale integration
LSOLondon Symphony Orchestra
LTLithuania (IVR = = International Vehicle Registration) / low tension
LtLieutenant / light
LTALawn Tennis Association
Lt CdrLieutenant Commander
Lt Col.Lieutenant Colonel
LtdLimited (used at the end of limited liability companies)  
Lt Gen.Lieutenant General

Lt Gov.Lieutenant Governor
LThLicentiate in Theology
LTMLong-term memory
LTPLong-term potentiation (relating to nervous system)
LTOMLondon Traded Options Market (Commerce)
LTRLong-term relationship (used in personal advertisements)
LuLutetium (Latin) (Chemical element)
LVLuncheon voucher (UK) / Latvia (IVR)
LVOLieutenant of the (Royal) Victorian Order
LWLong wave (radio)
LwLawrencium (now Lr) (Latin) (the symbol of the chemical element) 
LWM / lwmLow-water mark
LWRLight-water reactor
LWTLondon Weekend Television

lxLux (SI unit) (Physics)
LXElectrical or electronics / Technical staff who work on lighting and sound (Theatre)
LXXSeptuagint (Latin) = 70
LZLanding Zone



























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