
Abbreviations & Acronyms


An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC =  British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


T / T.Tenor (Music)  / Tempo (Music) / Tasto (Music) / Tutti (Music) / Time (Physics) / Tesla (Physics) / Tera- (prefix) / Transformational (Linguistics) / Symbol for Surface tension / Tritium (Physics & Chemistry) / Tesla (SI unit) / Thailand (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / 160 (medieval Roman numeral) / Taxed (official stamp) / Thunder (in logbooks of ships) / Thymine (in DNA sequences) (Biology) / Transmission (Photography) / trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
T160000 (medieval Roman numeral)
t / t.Tare / Temperature / Tense / Ton(s) / Transitive / Troy (weight) / Time / Top or Truth (Physics)
t/aTrading as
taThank you (colloquial)
TATerritorial Army / Teaching Assistant or Teaching Assistantship (US) / Transactional Analysis (Psychology)
TaTantalum (chemical element)
TAB(abbreviation & acronym) Typhoid-paratyphoid A and B (vaccine) Totalizator Agency Board (Australia & NZ)  
TACAN(acronym) Tactical air navigation (high-frequency navigational system for aircrafts) 
TAFETechnical and Further Education (an institution offering technical and vocational courses)
TAITemps Atomique Internationale (French) = International Atomic Time
TBTerabyte(s) (also Tb) / Torpedo boat / Tubercle bacillus / Tuberculosis / Treasury Bill /
TbTerbium (chemical element) / Terabyte(s)
TBA / tbaTo be announced (or advised or arranged)
TBC / tbcTo be confirmed

tbsp/tbs./tbsp.Tablespoon / Tablespoonful (plural – tbsps)
TBDTorpedo boat destroyer
TBSTalk between ships (a shot-wave radio between ships) / Tight building syndrome (also Sick building syndrome SBS)
TBTTributyl tin (or Tributyltin)
TcTechnetium (chemical element)
TCATrichloroacetic acid (a herbicide) / Tricarboxylic acid
TCASTraffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (a warning to avoid potential midair collisions)
TCDTrinity College, Dublin
TCDDTetrachlorodibenzo(para)dioxin / Tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin
TCHTchad = Chad (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
TCMTraditional Chinese medicine / Trinity College of Music, London
TCPTransmission (or Transport) Control Protocol (computing) / Trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl (a proprietary germicide) / Time (reversal), charge (conjugation), and parity (conservation) / Tricresyl phosphate
TCP/IPTransmission (or Transport) Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (a standard for the connection of computers to the internet
TDTechnical drawing / Territorial (officer’s) Decoration (in the Territorial Army) / Touchdown (US football) / Teachta Dala (Irish) = Deputy to the Dail (a member of Dail Eireann, the lower house of the Irish parliament)
TDDTelecommunication Device for the Deaf
TDE2-dichlorethane (an organochlorine insecticide formerly used on fruit and vegetables)
TDMATime Division Multiple Access (mobile digital transmission system)
t.d.s.Ter die sumendus (Latin) = to be taken three times a day
TeTellurium (chemical element)
TEC / TecTraining and Enterprise Council (now replaced by LSC = Learning and Skills Council) / a detective (informal)
tech / tech.Technical / Technology

techMARK®A Stock Exchange market featuring new technology companies
TedA Teddy boy (Britain) (informal)
TED spreadA measure of the difference between the value of 3-month US Treasury bills and 3-month Eurodollar futures contracts
TEFLTeaching English as a Foreign Language
Teflon®A trademark for polytetrafluoroethylene
Tel. / tel.Telegraph / Telegraphic / Telephone (number)
telcoTelecommunications company (US)
tele / tellyTelevision (informal)
teletypesetter®An obsolete telegraphic machine
telexTeleprinter + Exchange
telnetTele- + network
TEMTransmission electron microscope
temp.Temperature / Temporal / Temporary / Tempore (Latin) = in the time of
TENSTranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (pain relief system)
Ter. / Terr.Terrace (in street names) / Territory
TESTimes Educational Supplement
TESL(abbreviation & acronym) Teaching (of) English as a Second Language
TESOL(abbreviation & acronym) Teaching (of) English to Speakers of Other Languages 

TESSA(acronym) Tax-Exempt Special Savings Account
TETRATerrestrial Trunked Radio (a European standard used by the emergency services for mobile communications)
TeVTera-electron volt(s)
TEWTTactical exercise without troops (military) (slang)
TFTThin film transistor (technology used for flat color display screens)
TFT screenA thin film transistor screen, giving good display used in laptops
TGTransformational grammar / Togo (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
TGIFThank God (or goodness) it’s Friday (informal)
T-groupTraining group (Psychology)
TGVTrain a Grande Vitesse (French) = a type of high-speed French electric passenger train
TGWUTransport and General Workers’ Union (UK) (historical)
ThThorium (chemical element)
THCTetrahydrocannabinol (the active principle of cannabis)

ThDTheologiae Doctor (New Latin) = Doctor of Theology
THDTotal harmonic distortion
TiTumor-inducing / Titanium (chemical element)
TIATransient ischemic attack (Medicine)
tid / t.i.d.ter in die (Latin) = three times a day
TIFFTagged image file format (an image file format widely used in desktop publishing)
TIGTungsten inert gas (gas welding)
TIMTraditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda) / Time (former Dialing code)
Tim.Timothy (New Testament)
TKOTechnical knockout
TlThallium (chemical element)
TLAThree-letter acronym (computing)
TLCTender loving care (facetious) (colloquial) / Thin-layer chromatography (Chemistry) / Trades and Labour Council (Australia)
TLRTwin-lens reflex (camera)
TLSTimes Literary Supplement
T lymphocyteThymus (gland) lymphocyte (also called T cell) (Physiology)
TMTranscendental meditation (US) / Trademark / Trench mortar / Turkmenistan (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
TmThulium (chemical element)
TMIToo much information (informal) (an expression of boredom or disgust)
TMSTranscranial magnetic stimulation (neurological technique)
TMTTechnology, media and telecom (or telecommunications) (company)
tnTon(s) (US) / Town
TNTennessee (US state) / Tradename / Tunisia (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)

TNCTransnational company
TNTTrinitrotoluene or Trinitrotoluol (a high explosive)
TOTax Officer / Transport Officer / Telegraph Office / Turn over [also PTO = Please turn over (the page)]
T.O.Toronto, Ontario (informal name for Toronto)
Tob.(the Apocryphal Book of) Tobit (Bible)
TOCTrain operating company (UK)
TOETheory of everything (Physics)
tom.Tomus (Latin) = tome or volume
tpTownship / Troop
TPA / t-paTissue plasminogen activator
TPITax and prices index
T-plateT-shaped plate
TPNTotal parenteral nutrition
TPRTemperature, pulse, and respiration
TQMTotal quality management
TRTurkey (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Transmit-receive

tr.Transactions / Transitive / Translator / Transpose / Trustee
TSTough shit / tough situation / tough stuff (US) (military slang) / Typescript
TSBTrustee Savings Bank
TSETransmissible spongiform encephalopathy / Toronto Stock Exchange
TSHThyroid-stimulating hormone (Biochemistry) / Their Serene Highness
TSOTown sub-office
TSPTrisodium phosphate
tsp. / tspTeaspoonful (tsps – plural)
TSRTerminate and Stay Resident (computing) (a memory program)
TSSToxic shock syndrome
TSXToronto Stock Exchange
TTTeetotal / Teetotaller / Tourist Trophy / Tuberculin tested / Trinidad and Tobago (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
TTETrain Ticket Examiner
TTFTetrathiafulvalene (a Sulphur-containing organic compound)
TTFNTa-ta for now (informal)

TTLThrough the lens (metering) (photography) / Transistor-transistor logic (electronics)
TTPTrusted third party
TUTrade union
TUCTrades Union Congress
TVTelevision / Transvestite (informal) (US)
TVATennessee Valley Authority / Taxe a la valeur ajoutee (French) = value added tax (VAT)
TVEITechnical and Vocational Educational Initiative (UK)
TVPTextured vegetable protein (proprietary name)
TWATrans World Airlines
TXTexas (US state)
tx / thxThanks (informal) / thank you



























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