

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


M / M. / mMega- / Miaden Over (Cricket) / Master (in academic degrees) / Member (of) / Money (Economics) / Million(s) / Monsieur (French) = Mister (Mr. – Plural MM) / Motorway (followed by a number e.g.: M3) / Medium / Malta (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Molar (Chemistry) / M = 1000 (Roman Numeral) / Meta- or meso- (Chemistry) /
M / m.Mark(s) (former German currency) / male / masculine / mass / Meridiem (Latin) = noon / metre(s) or meter(s) / mile(s) / milli- / Mille- / million(s) / mobile / married / month(s)
MAMaster of Arts / Massachusetts (US state) / Morocco (IVR)
MABMonoclonal antibody (Immunology)
MACMigration Authorization Code (internet broadband) / Multiplex Analogue Components (Television signal designing)
Macc.(the apocryphal book of) Maccabees
MADMagnetic anomaly detection or  detector / Mutual assured destruction
MAFFMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (now replaced by DEFRA = Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
MBManitoba (Canadian province) / Megabyte = Mb  (Computing) / Mark of the Beast / Medicinae Baccalaureus (Latin) = Bachelor of Medicine / Medal of Bravery
mb / mbarMillibar
M.B.A./MBA  Master of Business Administration
MBBSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MBEMember (of the Order of) the British Empire (UK)

MBOManagement buyout
MBScMaster of Business Science
MBTMain Battle Tank
MCMember of Congress / Member of Council / Military Cross (UK) / Master of ceremonies / Monaco (IVR) / Music cassette / Medium Coeli (Latin) = midheaven (astrology)
McMegacycles (unit of frequency)
MCAMedicines Control Agency / Monetary compensatory amounts
MCBMiniature circuit breaker
MCCMarylebone Cricket Club
mcgMicrogram (not in official use)
MCh/M.Chir.Magister Chirurgiae (Latin) = Master of Surgery
MCIMild cognitive impairment ( rather a precursor of dementia)

mCiMillicurie(s) (radioactive quantity)
MCIJMember of the Chartered Institute of Journalists
M.Com.Master of Commerce
MCPMale chauvinist pig (informal)
MCPSMechanical-Copyright Protection Society
MCRMiddle Common (or Combination) Room (UK)
Mc/sMegacycles per second
MDManaging Director / Maryland (US state = Md.) / Mentally deficient/ Moldova (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Medicinae Doctor (Latin) = Doctor of Medicine
MdMendelevium (Chemical Element)
MDCMovement for Democratic Change
MDFMedium density lifeboat
MDIMultiple document interface (Computing)

Mdle / MlleMademoiselle (French) = Miss
MDMAMethylene-dioxymethamphetamine (a stimulant drug)
mdr-TBMulti-drug-resistant tuberculosis
MDSMaster of Dental Surgery
MDScMaster of Dental Science
MEMiddle East / Maine (US state = Me.) / Middle English / Methodist Episcopal / Mining or Mechanical Engineer / Most Excellent / Myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)
MEconMaster of Economics
med.Medical / medicine / medieval / medium / Medius or media or medium (Latin) = middle
MEdMaster of Education
megMegabyte(s) (Computing slang)
MFMachine-finished / Middle French / Medium frequency / Multi-frequency

MFAMulti-Fiber Arrangement
MFHMaster of Foxhounds  
MFSMarfan Syndrome
mftMistura (Mixtura) fiat (Latin) = let a mixture be made
mfvMotor fleet vehicle
MGMachine-gun / Morris Garages
MgMagnesium (Chemistry)
MGBMinisterstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezompasnosti (Russian) =Ministry of State Security
MGLMongolia (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
MGMMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer (film company formed in 1924)
MgrManager / Monseigneur (French) / Monsignor
MHMedal of Honor
MHAMember of the House of Assembly

MHCMajor histocompatibility complex (of immunity proteins) (Biochemistry) 
MHDMagnetic hydrodynamic / Magnetohydrodynamic(s)
MHGMiddle High German
MHRMember of the House of Representatives (US & Australia)
MHRAModern Humanities Research Association
MIMichigan (US state) / Military Intelligence
MIAMissing in action
Mic.(the book of) Micah (a Hebrew minor prophet – Old Testament)
Mich.Michigan (US state) / Michaelmas

MICRMagnetic ink character recognition
MIDAS(acronym) Missile Defence Alarm Systems (from 1958 to 1966)
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface (communication protocol)
MiG / migMikoyan and Gurevich (Russian aircraft (designers))
MIGAMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
mil / militMilitary
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (internet email transmission)
MINMobile Identification Number / Multi-digit Identification Number
min.Minimum / Minute(s)
Min.Minister / Ministry  
MIPS / mips(abbreviation & acronym) Millions of instructions per second (Computing)
MIRMortgage interest relief
MIRASMortgage interest relief at source (up to 2000, now abolished) (UK) 

MIRV(acronym) Multiple Independently targeted Re-entry Vehicle (warhead of intercontinental nuclear missile)
MISManagement Information System(s) (Computing)
MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology
MITIMinistry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)
mittMitten (abbreviation in mid-18th century)
MJIMember of the Institute of Journalists
M.JurisMagister Juris (Latin) = Master of Law
MkMark (I, II, III, etc.) / Mark (former German currency) / Markka (Finnish currency) / Mark (esp. New Testament)
MKMacedonia (IVR) / Mark (of cars)
MKS / mksMetre-kilogram-second (unit or system)
MKSAMetre-kilogram-second-ampere (unit or system)
Mkt / mktMarket (in place names)
mlMile(s) / Millilitre(s)
MlMegaliter(s) (US)
MLAMember of the Legislative Assembly / Modern Language Association (US)

MLCMember of the Legislative Council / Meat and Livestock Commission
MLDMean lethal dose (radiology) / minimum lethal dose / Manual lymphatic drainage
MLFMultilateral (nuclear) force
MLittMagister Litterarum (Latin) = Master of Letters (or of Literature)
Mdlle / MlleMademoiselle (French) = Miss (Mlles – plural)
MLRMinimum lending rate
MLRSMultiple launch rocket system
MLSOMedical Laboratory Scientific Officer
MMMaelzel’s metronome / Military Medal / Messieurs (French) = Gentlemen, Sirs
MMCMonopolies and Mergers Commission (now replaced by CC = Competition Commission)
MmeMadame (French) = Mrs (plural – Mmes)
mmf / m.m.f.Magneto motive force
MMOG/MMOGsMassively multiplayer online game (an online video game)
MMORPG/MMORPGsMassive (Massively) Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (an online video game)
MMRMeasles, mumps and rubella (vaccine to small children)
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service (for mobile phones)

MMus/M.Mus.Master of Music
MN / M.N.Merchant Navy / Minnesota (US state) / Master of Nursing (M.N.)
MnManganese (Chemistry)
MNAMember of the National Assembly (of Quebec in Canada)
MNDMotor neuron disease
MOMagneto-optical (Computing) / Medical Officer / Money Order / Modus Operandi / Missouri (US state, also Mo) / Molecular orbital (Chemistry)
mo / mo.Moment / Month (mo.) Moustache (Australia & New Zealand)
MoMolybdenum (Chemistry)
MOCMozambique (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
mocMoccasin (colloquial) (US)
MODMinistry of Defence (UK)
mod.Moderate / Moderato (music) / Modern (also Mod)
MOHMedical Officer of Health (abolished in UK in 1974) = chief health executive of a local authority

MOJMinistry of Justice
mol wtMolecular weight
MOMA/MoMA(abreviation & acronym) Museum of Modern Art (US)
MOMI(acronym) Museum of the Moving Image (London)
Mon.Monday / Monmouthshire (now mostly in modern Gwent)
mon/munMoney (colloquial)
MORMiddle-of-the-road (music), (esp. in broadcasting)
MORI(acronym) Market & Opinion Research International (trademark)
MOS/mosMetal oxide semiconductor / Missouri / months (mos)
MOSFET(acronym) Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (Electronics)
MOTMinistry of Transport / e.g.: MOT test/MOT certificate
MOUMemorandum of understanding
MPMember of Parliament / Military police (man) / Megapixel(s)
mpMezzo piano (music)

m.p.Melting point
MP3MPEG-1 Layer 3 (a compressed digital audio file format)
MPAAMotion Picture Association of America
MPCMonetary policy committee (of the Bank of England) / Multimedia personal computer
MPDMultiple-personality disorder
MPEGMotion Pictures Experts Group (Computing)
m.p.g.Miles per gallon
mph / m.p.h.Miles per hour
MPharmMaster of Pharmacy
MPhilMaster of Philosophy
MPSMember of the Pharmaceutical Society
MPVMultipurpose vehicle

MRMaster of the Rolls / Mauritian rupee / Motivation(al) research (investigative study of consumer reaction)
Mr / Mr.Mister (Messrs – plural)
MRAMoral Re-Armament
MRAMMagneto-resistive Random Access Memory
MRBMMedium-range ballistic missile
MRCMedical Research Council (UK)
MRCAMulti-role combat aircraft
MRCGPMember of the Royal College of General Practitioners
MRCPMember of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCSLTMember of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
MRCVSMember of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MREMeal(s) Ready to Eat

MResMaster of Research
MRGMinority Rights Group
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging
MRIAMember of the Royal Irish Academy
MRMMechanically-recovered meat
mRNAMessenger RNA (Biology)
MRPhSMember of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Mrs / Mrs.Mistress (Missus/Missis) (addressing a married woman)
MRSAMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (a strain of bacterium)
MSManuscript (MSS-plural) / Master of Science / Master of Surgery / Master Seaman (Canadian) / Mississippi (US state) / Motor ship (US)/ Mauritius (IVR=International Vehicle Regn.) / Multiple sclerosis
MsA substitute title for Mrs. or Miss
msMillisecond / manuscript / (also M/S) months /

MSAMotorway Service Area
MSB/msbMost significant bit (Computing)
MSCManpower Services Commission
M.Sc./MScMaster of Science
MS DOS® / MSDOSMicrosoft disk operating system (Computing) (Trademark) (a proprietary name)
MSFManufacturing, Science, and Finance (Union) (historical) (UK) / Medecins sans Frontieres
MSGMonosodium glutamate
MsgrMonseigneur (US) = Monsignor
mslMean sea-level
MSMMethyl sulphonyl methane (anti-inflammatory agent) / Mainstream media (opposed to the blogosphere)
MSMEMicro, small and medium enterprise (India)
MSN/MSN®Microsoft Network (trademark)

MSPMember of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs-plural)
MSRPManufacturer’s suggested retail price
MSTMountain Standard Time (US)
M.St.Master of Studies
msvMillisievert(s) (a unit of radiation dosage)
MSWMagnetic Surface Wave (radar) / Medical Social Worker
M.S.W.Master of Social Work
MTMean Time / Machine translation / Mechanical transport / Montana (US state) / Motor transport / Mountain time
Mt / (Mt.)Mount (also Mt.) / Mountain (also Mt.) / Meitnerium (Chemistry) / Metical (currency of Mozambique)
MTBMotor torpedo-boat (UK) / Mountain bike
MTBFMean time between failures (Electronics, etc.)

MTDMoving target detector (radar)
MTEechMaster of Technology
M.Th.Master of Theology
MTNLMahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (India)
M.T.S.Master of Theological Studies
MTVMusic Television (a subscription television network)
muThe Greek letter M, µ = M or m / micron (micro-) (symbol) / As a numeral µ = 40, / µ = 40000 / The amplification factor of a valve (Electronics)
MUCMontreal Urban Community
MUDMulti-User Dungeon or Dimension (a class of internet computer game)
MUFTIMinimum Use of Force Tactical Intervention
M.U.P.Master of Urban Planning

MURBMultiple unit residential building (Canadian)
Mus.D. / Mus. Doc.Musicae Doctor (Latin) = Doctor of Music
muttMuttonhead (= a dull, stupid person (informal))  
MVMegavolt(s) / Motor vessel / Muzzle velocity
mvMerchant vessel / Motor vessel / Muzzle velocity
MvMendelevium (now Md) (artificial radioactive element)
MVAMarket value assessment (Canadian)
MVDMinisterstvo Vnutrennikh Del (Russia) = The Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs
MVDSMultipoint (or microwave) video distribution system
MVOMember of the (Royal) Victorian Order
MVPMost valuable player (US) (sport)

MWMalawi (IVR=International Vehicle Registration) / Medium wave / Megawatt(s) / 
MWFMedical Women’s Federation
MWGMMost Worshipful (or Worthy) Grand Master (Freemasonry)
MXMissile experimental
mxMaxwell (unit of magnetic flux)
MxMiddlesex (a former county in England) / Maxwell(s)
MYMotor Yacht
MYAMyanmar (IVR = International Vehicle Registration)
MYOBMind your own business

Abbreviations & Acronyms in Alphabetical Order – Click the Letter



























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