

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a phrase (group of words).

The result of abbreviation is a reduced form or abridgement of writing. They are commonly used because they save time and space.

As said by John Horne Tooke, “Abbreviations are the wheels of language, the wings of Mercury.


ATM = Automated Teller Machine

BBC =  British Broadcasting Corporation


It is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


PParking / Pastor / Pedal (music) / Poise (Physics) / Pressure (Physics)/ Peta- (Physics) / Priest / Prince / Pula / Phrase (Linguistics) / Portugal (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Power (symbol) Probationary (or provisional) driver (Australia) / Pawm (Chess) / Phosphorus (Chemistry) / Poly- (Chemistry) / Private (Telephony) / Propritary / Principal (Chemistry) /
pPage (pp-plural) / Penny (pennies) / pence / Participle / Pence / Penny / Peseta / Peso / Pico- / Piano (music) / Purl (knitting) / Positive
P400000 (medieval Roman numeral)
P2PPeer-to-peer (network) (Computing)
p.a./paPer annum
PA / P.A.Panama (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Pennsylvania (also Pa.) / Personal appearance / Personal assistant / Press association / Public address (system) / Production assistant / Publicity agent / Publishers association / Power amplifier / Pierre Allain (French) = mountaineer designer / Parental Accompaniment (Canadian) / Prince Albert (Saskatchewan)
paPapa (familiar word for father) / per annum (also p.a.)
PaPascal(s) (SI unit) (Physics) / Protactinium (Chemistry)
pa. Past 
PABAPara-amino benzoic acid 
PABXPrivate Automatic Branch Exchange (UK)
PACPan-Africanist Congress / Political action committee (US) / Port Authorization Code (mobile phone network porting code) / Pre-authorized chequing
PACEPolice and Criminal Evidence Act (1984) (UK)
PAHPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

PALPhase alternation line (color television system in UK & Europe)
PAMRPublic Access Mobile Radio
P&O/P and OPeninsular and Oriental (Steam Navigation Company)
p and p/p&pPostage and packing
PASPower-assisted steering
PATPlanned Activities Time (Education) / Professional Association of Teachers
PAXPrivate Automatic Exchange
PAYEPay as you earn
PBPharmacopoeia Britannica/ Plymouth Brethren/ Poor bloody (slang)/ Petabtyte(s) (also Pb.) (Computing) / Personal best (best time or score in sports) / Paperback (also Pb)/ peanut butter (US) (informal)  
PbPlumbum (Latin) = Lead (Chemistry) / paperback

PBIPoor bloody infantry(man) (slang)
PBITProfit before interest and tax
pbuhPeace be upon him (used by Muslims when mentioning the name of Mohammed)
PBSPublic Broadcasting Service (US)
PBXPrivate branch exchange (private telephone switchboard)
pc / pce.Per cent / Personal computer / Postcard / piece(s) – pcs (plural)
PCPersonal computer / Police Constable / Political correctness (or politically correct) / Postcard / Privy Counsellor
PCASPolytechnics Central Admissions System (now replaced by UCAS = Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
PCBPolychlorinated biphenyl (toxic aromatic compound) (Chemistry) / Printed circuit board
PCCParochial church council / The Presbyterian Church (Canada) / Press Complaints Commission
PCMPulse code modulation
pcmPer calendar month
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association (Computing)
PCNPersonal communication network (mobile telephone network)

p-codePseudocode (Computing)
PCPPentachlorophenol (water-insoluble environmental pollutant) / Phencyclidine (Pharmacology) / Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (a fatal lung infection and the main cause of death among AIDS patients) (Medicine)
PCRPolitically correct retailing / Polymerase chain reaction (Biochemistry)
PCSPrincipal Clerk of Session / personal communications service / Public and Commercial Services (Union)
pctPer cent (US)
PCTPrimary-care trust (in the National Health Service) (UK)
PCVPassenger-carrying vehicle (UK)
PCYPrerogative Court of York
pdPotential difference (Electricity)
PDPolice Department (US) / potential difference (Electricity) / Pretty damn quick (slang) / Preventive detention or detainee
PdPalladium (Chemistry)
PDAPersonal digital assistant
PDCProgramme delivery control (coded signal of a television program)

PDFPortable Document Format (file format for computers to be read by different operating systems)
PDIPre-delivery inspection
PDLPage description language (Computing)
PDQ / pdqPretty damn quick (informal) = as soon as possible
PDSAPeople’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (UK)
PEPeru (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Physical education / Potential energy / Prince Edward Island (Canadian province) / Protestant Episcopal / Plastic explosive (also pe.)
p/ePrice-earnings ratio [price/earnings (ratio)]
PEC/pec/p.e.c.(abbreviation & acronym) Photoelectric cell / pectoral muscle
pedPedestrian (short form) (slang) (US)
PEME(abbreviation & acronym) Pulsed Electro Magnetic Energy (technique used in magnetic therapy)
PEN(the International Association of) Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists / Protected Equity-linked Notes (fiancé)
PEPPersonal Equity Plan
PETPolyethylene terephthalate / position emission tomography / Potentially exempt transfer (finance) (a tax-free gift by the donor)
Pet.Peter (biblical reference)
PETA/Peta(abbreviation & acronym) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PFPatriotic Front / Procurator Fiscal
pfPianoforte (music) (soft then loud, more loudly)
Pf / pf.Pfennig (a former monetary unit of Germany i.e. 1/100 of a mark) 
P.F.Permanent Force (military)
PFAProfessional Footballers’ Association (UK) / Pulverized fuel ash

Pfc / Pfc.Private first class (US)
PFCPoor, foolish (forlorn, etc.) civilian / Private First Class
PFDPersonal flotation device
PFIPrivate Finance Initiative (private finance scheme for public works) 
PFLPPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
PFPPartnership for Peace
PGParental Guidance (a film unsuitable for young children) / Paying Guest
PgPortugal / Portuguese
pg./pgs.Page / pages
PGA/PGA®Professional Golfers’ Association
PGCEPostgraduate Certificate in Education 
PGDPreimplantation genetic diagnosis (Embryos screening technique)
PGPPretty Good Privacy (a kind of email encryption program)
PGRPsychogalvanic reflex or response
pH/pH valuePotenz H (German) = the power of Hydrogen (value)
PHABPhysically Handicapped and Able Bodied

PhD/Ph.DPhilosophiae Doctor (Latin) = Doctor of Philosophy
PHDPermanent health insurance
Phil / Phil.Philadelphia (US city) / Philosophy / Philosophical / Philology / Philological / Philharmonic / (the letter to the) Philippians (New Testament)
PHLSPublic Health Laboratory Service
PIPrivate Investigator
PIAPakistan International Airlines / Personal Investment Authority (now replaced by FSA = Financial Services Authority)
PIBPress Information Bureau
PIBSPermanent Interest-bearing share (finance)
pic/pics/pixPicture / pictures
PICU(acronym) Pediatric intensive care unit (medicine) (US)
PIDPelvic inflammatory disease
PIN(both abbreviation & acronym)) — Postal Index Number / Personal Identification Number
PJs / pjsPyjamas (informal)
PKPakistan (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Psychokinesis / Psychokinetic / Prausnitz-Kustener (Medicine) / Preacher’s (or Pastor’s) kid (slang) (US)
pkPark (also Pk) / peak / peck

pl / pl.  Plural / plate / place / platoon (military)
PLPoet Laureate / Poland (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / Programming language (computing) / Public Library
PlPlace (in street names, etc.)
P&L / P & LProfit and loss (account)
PLAPeople’s Liberation Army / Port of London Authority
PLOPalestine Liberation Organization
PMPrime Minister / Post-mortem (Latin) = after death (also pm /  Provost Marshal / Postmaster / Past Master
pm(also p.m.) post meridiem (Latin) = after noon / Premium
PmPromethium (Chemistry)
p.m.Post meridiem / Post-mortem
PMBXPrivate mutual branch exchange
PMDDPremenstrual dysphoric disorder
PMGPaymaster General / Postmaster General

PMOPrime Minister’s Office / Principal Medical Officer
PMRAFNSPrincess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service
PMSPremenstrual Syndrome
PMTPhotomechanical transfer / Premenstrual tension
pnPromissory note
PNAPalestinian National Authority / Peptide nucleic acid
PNDPostnatal depression
PNdBPerceived noise decibel
PNEPapua New Guinea
pneuPneumonia / pneumatic tyre / a letter dispatched by Parisian pneumatic dispatch system
PNEUParents’ National Education Union
PNGPapua New Guinea (IVR = International Vehicle Registration) / (ping) portable network graphic [graphical format on world wide web (www)]
POPetty Officer / Pilot Officer / Postal Order (also po) / Post Office / Purchase Oder
P&O / P and OPeninsular and Oriental (Steam Navigation Company)
POAPrison Officers’ Association (UK)
POD / podPay on delivery / Post Office Department (US) / print-on-demand

POEPort of Entry
P. of W.Prince of Wales
POWPrisoner of war
ppPages / Per procurationem (Latin) = by proxy / (also) per pro(Latin) = for and on behalf of) / Pianissimo (music) / Past participle  
PPParish priest / past president / present pupil
p&p/p and pPostage and packing
PPAPre-school Playgroups Association (now known as PLA = Pre-school Learning Alliance)
PPARCParticle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (now replaced by STFC = Science and Technology Facilities Council)
ppcPicture postcard
PPCPour Prendre conge (French) = to take leave / Prospective parliamentary candidate / pay-per-click
PPCLIPrincess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry regiment (Canadian)
PPEPhilosophy, Politics and Economics (a course at Oxford University)
PPIPlan Position Indicator (in radar) / portion pump inhibitor / Payment protection insurance (a form of insurance) (Britain)
ppiPixels per inch (Computing) (display resolution)

pplPeople (informal)
PPLOPleuropneumonia-like organism(s)
ppmParts per million / Pianissimo (very softly – music) / pages per minute (printer’s speed)
PPPPublic-Private Partnership / Private Patient’s Plan / Pakistan People’s Party / Point to point protocol (Computing) / Purchasing power parity (Economics)
PPSParliamentary Private Secretary / Post postscriptum (Latin) = an additional postscript
PQProvince of Quebec (Canada) / Parti Quebecois (French) = Quebec Party
PRPress release / Prize ring / Public Relations / Puerto Rico (Rican) (US) / Proportional representation
prPair / Per / Per rectum (Latin) (Medicine) = through the rectum
pr.Present / Price
Pr.Priest / Prince / Provencal
PrPraseodymium (chemical element)
PRAPresident of Royal Academy of Arts / Progressive retinal atrophy (dogs’ disease)
PSPostscriptum (Latin) = Postscript / (Royal) Pharmaceutical Society / Police Sergeant / Private Secretary / Prompt side (theatre) / Philological Society / Public School (US) / Power steering / Pferdestarke (German) = horsepower (now esp. metric horsepower)

Ps.Psalm or psalms (also Psa./Pss.) / (the book of) Psalms (Bible)
PSAPublic Services Authority / Property Services Agency (formerly) / Pleasant Sunday afternoon / Public service announcement (US) / Prostate-specific antigen (blood test to detect prostate cancer)
PSACPublic Service Alliance of Canada
PSHEPersonal, social, and health education (school subject)
psi / p.s.i.Pounds per square inch
PSTProvincial sales tax (Canadian) / Pacific Standard Time
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
PSVPublic service vehicle
PSWPsychiatric social worker
PTPacific Time / Postal Telegraph / Personal trainer or training / Physical therapy / Physical training / Pupil teacher / Purchase tax (historical)
pt / Pt.Part / Past / Past tense / Pint or pints / Point / Port (side of a ship or aircraft) / Post-town / Portuguese
PtPlatinum (Chemistry)
PTAParent-Teacher Association / Passenger Transport Authority

PTEPassenger Transport Executive
PtePrivate / Private soldier (commerce and military)
PTIPhysical training instructor / Press Trust of India
PTHParathyroid hormone
PTOPlease turn over (the page) / Public Telecommunications Operator / Power take-off (in a vehicle e.g. tractor)
PTSDPost-traumatic stress disorder (medicine)
PTTPost, Telegraph and Telephone / Telecommunications / Postes, Telegraphes et Telephones (French) (formerly) / Postes, Telecommunications et Telediffusion (French)
Pty / pty.Proprietary (in the name of a company) (Australia, NA & S.Africa)
PuPlutonium (symbol) (chemical element)
puPulled up (horse-racing)

pub(informal) Public house
Pub. Doc.Public document
PUOPyrexia of unknown origin
PVAPolyvinyl acetate / Polyvinyl alcohol
PVCPolyvinyl chloride
PVFSPost viral fatigue syndrome
PVRPersonal video recorder
PVSPersistent (or permanent) vegetative state / Post viral syndrome
Pvt.Private (in company names) (US army)
pw / p.w.Per week
PWAPerson with AIDS (US) (PWAs – plural)
PWCPersonal watercraft

PWDPublic Works Department
PWRPressurized water reactor
PWSPrader-Willi syndrome
PWYCPay what you can (Canadian) (for audience at theatrical shows)
PXPost and exchange / Post Exchange (shop at a US military camp)
pxtPinxit (Latin) = painted (this)
PYParaguay (IVR – International Vehicle Registration)



























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